The design of the Lauretian Jubilee universal logo “the Queen and Gate of Heaven” presents the transfer of the Santa Casa in the center, which according to tradition occurred by angelic beings. Above the stylized House flown by three angels, we can see Mary with the Child and two angels holding a crown over the head of the Virgin. Below the image of the transfer, lays the Latin phrase “Regina et ianua coeli”, the recognition of Mary but also the evocation the Laurentian Litany as “Queen and gate of Heaven”. The angels carrying the house are three, which refers to the number of the Trinity.The total number of angels, five, recalls the number of continents on Earth.The blue color of the background indicates the glory of God, the incorruptibility and the virtues of the Virgin Mary. The crown above the head of Mary is a symbol of royalty, Mary Queen of the Family because in that House her YES was pronounced. The child Jesus that Mary supports, keeps his arm raised and looks benignly towards the world over which the Holy House is flying. The representation of Earth indicates the universality of the message bearing the Holy House of Loreto. The circular frame bears the words “Virgo Lauretana”, which means “Virgin of Loreto”, and “Patrona Aeronautarum”, which means “Patroness of aeronauts”. The latter takes up the Latin expression used by Pope Benedict XV in the decree of proclamation, dated 25 March 1920. The dates written in gold recall the centenary of that proclamation. The section outside the circular frame shows the stylization of an airplane which, like the human heart and desire, tends towards an infinite space. It represents humanity always on the move, always ready to take off, to rise, desirous of true freedom: holiness. It also represents the “outgoing” Church, made up of Christians and all men of good will who, under the protection of the Virgin, do not fear the world and the infinite.